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People are paying thousands for 'dating boot camp' with sex    experts. I signed up.

Charles Trepany

TOPANGA, Calif. − We've gathered in a semi-circle to evaluate our marketing materials.

                             No, it's not a business conference, though most of the 14 attendees, including myself, are young professionals. It's a "dating boot camp" − and the materials in question are our online dating profiles.

                          At the first-ever, weekend-long Renew Dating Bootcamp by dating coach and "Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart" author Amy Chan, retreatants hope to learn the subtle art of finding and maintaining a relationship in the modern era.

                                   This includes how to "optimize" your dating app profile, flirt without being creepy and overcome patterns keeping you single. I'm there to observe. But, as someone who feels perpetually single, I figured I could also learn a lot.

During the retreat, Chan gives a crash course on all things dating apps − and she has a few rules.

                                For starters, she says, the first photo must be a clear headshot, the second a clear body shot. All pictures after should       show  your personality. Also, pick three qualities you want to convey and make sure every aspect of your profile feeds into at least one of them.

The attendees nod throughout the session, jotting down notes.

"I want to teach people the skills of dating. These skills were not taught in school, so we keep floundering around and getting heartbroken," Chan tells me during a break between classes. "What's going on? You are the common denominator, so is there a blind spot within yourself that's causing you to not be able to create a relationship that you want? And that's what this whole weekend is about."


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